Please select your topic

Violations of criminal law →
Here you can report violations that are punishable by a fine or imprisonment. Examples:
  • Bribery,
  • fraud,
  • embezzlement,
  • theft/embezzlement,
  • manipulation of business documents/balance sheets,
  • Sexual offenses (e.g. sexual harassment),
  • Environmental offenses or environmental damage (e.g. illegal waste disposal),
  • tax evasion/duty fraud.

Violations of administrative regulations →
Here you can report violations that are punishable by administrative penalties and that serve to protect life, limb or health or to protect the rights of employees or their representative bodies. Examples:
  • Data protection violations,
  • Violations of road safety regulations (e.g: Driver's license and driving license, deadlines for vehicle inspection, load safety, driving and rest periods, hazardous goods, etc.),
  • Violations of principles of conduct in the workplace and human rights (e.g. violations of working hours or minimum wage),
  • violations of occupational health and safety regulations (e.g. the Employee Protection Act, the Workplace Ordinance or the Work Equipment Ordinance)
Other violations pursuant to § 3 öHSchG →
Here you have the option of submitting a notification in the event of violations of the other legal provisions listed in § 3 öHSchG. Some of these regulations are already covered by the first two categories. Notifications can relate to the following areas, for example:
  • Public procurement,
  • Financial services, financial products and financial markets as well as the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • Product safety and conformity,
  • transport safety,
  • environmental protection,
  • radiation protection and nuclear safety,
  • food and feed safety, animal health and animal welfare,
  • public health,
  • consumer protection,
  • protection of privacy and personal data as well as security of network and information systems,
  • Prevention and punishment of criminal offenses pursuant to Sections 302 to 309 of the German CriminalCode (StGB).
Human rights or environmental risks/violations →
This refers to violations both in the business area of Woolworth Österreich GmbH and its affiliated companies as well as in the supply chain.
Examples include:
  • Child labor,
  • slavery, slavery-like practices and forced labor,
  • Violations of occupational health and safety standards and minimum wage requirements,
  • Violations of the prohibition on disregarding freedom of association,
  • violations of the prohibition of unequal treatment in employment, e.g. on the basis of national/ethnic origin, social origin, sexual orientation or religion
  • Violations of the ban on unlawful eviction,
  • Violations of the ban on the use of mercury in manufacturing processes,
  • violations of the ban on the export of hazardous waste.